Vergangene Nachwuchswettbewerbe
Gewinner SSOS Nachwuchspreis 2021
1. Preis:
med.dent. Adib Al-Haj Husain (Universität Zürich)
«Dental MRI in Mandibular Third Molar Surgery: Visualization of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve and Lingual nerve using 3D double-echo steady-state MRI»

2. Preis:
Dr. med. dent. Clemens Raabe (Universität Bern)
«Long-term effectiveness of 6 mm micro-rough implants in various indications: A 4.5 to 18.2-year retrospective study»

3. Preis:
med. dent. Zeynab Ahmed (Universität Basel)
«The Performance of PEKK vs. ziconia abutments for screw-retained crowns on two-piece zirconia implants: An in vitro study»